Rosen Hotels & Resorts’ Wins Esteemed Rosie Award for Second Consecutive Year

ORLANDO, Fl (December 10, 2024) – Health Rosetta has once again honored Rosen Hotels & Resorts with the prestigious Rosie Award at RosettaFest 2024. This accolade recognizes Rosen Hotels & Resorts for its outstanding, best-in-class, health plan offered to its employees. From an initial pool of 2,000 nominees and 196 finalists, Rosen Hotels & Resorts emerged as a winner for the second year in a row!

Carolyn Grant, Senior Health Benefits Advisor and Strategist at RosenSure, collaborated closely with the Rosen Hotels & Resorts team and the staff from the Rosen Medical Center as it relates to this innovative health plan. “Rosen Hotels & Resorts has set the standard for an exemplary health plan. The success of the Rosen health plan model is evident, and we are now implementing it for other clients,” said Grant. “By eliminating obstacles and enhancing access to quality health care, we can transform a health plan to benefit everyone involved – employers, employees, and providers. We don’t need government intervention; we need more bold employers like Rosen Hotels & Resorts to take innovative steps.”

Grant also advised Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida and the School District of Osceola County, both of which were also recognized with Rosie Awards.

The Rosie Award is given to those who excel in several areas: achieving a high score on the Plan Grader™, effectively using their “Health Rosetta Dividend,” and showing a collaborative and positive attitude.

The Plan Grader™ is a tool that helps organizations improve their health plans by lowering costs and enhancing benefits over 2-3 years. Rosie Award winners have reduced industry waste and reinvested the savings back into their organizations or communities, known as the Health Rosetta Dividend. They also share their success stories and collaborate at RosettaFest.
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