Rosen Hotels & Resorts President Harris Rosen honored as Mentoring King in nationally syndicated docuseries.

Rosen Hotels & Resorts is proud to announce that its president and C.O.O., Harris Rosen, was recently honored as a Mentoring King for a lifetime of helping others, in particular, young people in underserved communities.

Mentoring Kings is a nationally syndicated docuseries celebrating the mentoring initiatives of Black male celebrities, entrepreneurs, educators and political and community leaders.

The series reveals how various men successfully built their careers from the ground up and have reached back to bring the youth along. 

In early October 2022, a production team interviewed Mr. Rosen in his office and produced this in-depth special report featuring his story of success, giving back and impact on young people in the Tangelo Park and Parramore neighborhoods.

The program highlights the major roles Mentoring Kings, like Mr. Rosen, play in the lives of others, roles that ultimately lead Black youth to making positive contributions in their community.

To date, it has aired in cities like New York, Washington, DC, Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Diego and dozens of other cities nationwide.

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