Rosen Hotels & Resorts Celebrates National Earth Day with Tree Planting

ORLANDO, FL (April 22, 2024) – On National Earth Day, Rosen Hotels & Resorts will plant eight trees in celebration of the company’s 50th anniversary. A Rainbow Eucalyptus tree will be planted at each of the seven hotel properties and one at the main operations building. The trees will be on display marked with a special plaque for guests to enjoy.

The Rainbow Eucalyptus is a colorful and aromatic tree that is most notable for its multi-color bark. The tree’s outer bark peels away over time, aging into different colors including blue, purple, orange, maroon and green. In some cultures, the rainbow colors represent adaptability and resilience. In the same respect, the Rainbow Eucalyptus trees were chosen for the Rosen properties as a representation of the strength and diversity of the many associates that make up Rosen Hotels & Resorts.

Planting trees is not only a beautiful way to commemorate such a large milestone, but it is also great for the environment. According to the Arbor Tree Foundation, planting trees has many benefits, including improving air quality, preventing flooding and absorbing harmful pollutants. In one year, a mature tree can absorb more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. That same large tree can also provide a day’s supply of oxygen for about four people.

At Rosen Hotels & Resorts, sustainability and protecting the environment are strong values that are embedded throughout the company culture, and this tree-planting initiative is a part of the company’s larger commitment to a greener future.

For media inquiries, please contact Gisselle Garcia, public relations specialist for Rosen Hotels & Resorts, 407-640-6967 (office), 407-451-5188 (cell) or

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