Rosen Hotels & Resorts® Associate Benefits

Our company takes a special interest in every member of our associate family. In addition to traditional benefits, we are known for developing a host of innovative programs – sharing the company’s financial success, providing in-house medical service, extensive education and training, family outreach, employee assistance, and more.

Medical Coverage and Insurance

Rosen Hotels & Resorts® is dedicated to providing affordable and accessible health care. With our unique self-funded insurance program, associates enjoy the convenience of having their primary care physicians on site or just a few miles away. Located at the Rosen Inn International, the Rosen Medical Center, a Place for Healing and Wellness, serves all of the adults on our medical plan including dependents. Associates can visit the Rosen Medical Center while “on the clock” thus not losing any time for attending to their health needs. Our plan uses pediatricians, specialists, and health facilities within the RosenCare/Rosen Hotels Health Plan Network. Our Rosen Medical Center includes a fitness facility with an on-site physical therapy wing.

Prescription Coverage

The affordability and accessibility of our plan is accentuated by our prescription drug program. Associates and dependents under the Rosen Hotels & Resorts® Health Insurance obtain all of their prescription medication from a long list of pharmacies for phenomenally low, sometimes free, co-pays.

Family Outreach Center for Associates and Dependents

The mission of the Outreach Center is to help people help themselves by encouraging support among associates. The Outreach Center provides social service information, referrals, emergency support and an ever-growing list of services. As is often the case when developing benefits, Mr. Rosen held focus groups with associates to find what we could do as a company to enhance the quality of their lives. From these conversations came the idea of the Rosen Hotels & Resorts® Family Outreach Center.

Daycare Supplement

Rosen Hotels & Resorts®, in conjunction with our Family Outreach Center and Community Coordinated Care for Children, provides a supplement to daycare costs for children under the age of four or children who are not yet eligible for kindergarten. Associates are required to be employed for at least six months and meet eligibility requirements in order to take advantage of this benefit.

Retirement Planning

Our associates are encouraged to start to save for their retirement at a very young age. Associates who are at least 18 years of age and have been employed for at least six months can defer a portion of their weekly income to a 401K retirement account. Additionally, Rosen Hotels & Resorts® matches a portion of the weekly deferral helping associates save for retirement.

Career Training and Advancement

From the first day at Rosen Hotels & Resorts®, a new associate gets to experience the company culture through a full day’s interactive orientation. New associates are introduced to a historical account of the company and its founder, Harris Rosen. The day is comprised of benefits information, a policy review, and a variety of service activities.

As part of our benefit package, we provide a wide variety of seminars, workshops, and classes to assist associates in becoming the best that they can be. These include certification courses, language classes, and professional development workshops.


Qualified dependents of Rosen Hotels and Resorts® associates may be eligible for a scholarship to a public or private college or vocational school through the Harris Rosen Foundation after an associate has reached three years of full time employment.

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