Harris Rosen Birthday

Harris Rosen Birthday

It’s his birthday, but you get the presents!

Join us in wishing our owner Harris Rosen a Happy Birthday this Monday, Sept. 9. We’ll be on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook starting at 9 a.m. EST giving away presents and prizes throughout the day until 11 p.m. EST.

We’ll also be on Twitter at 5:30 p.m. EST on Monday for a TweetChat with the birthday boy himself. We’ll be on Twitter @RosenHotels answering your questions for a half hour.

Check back Monday to enjoy the celebration!

To win prizes, look for trivia questions and instant giveaways on our social media throughout the day. Make sure you always respond to @RosenHotels including the hashtag #rosenbday in order to win!

Twitter — https://twitter.com/rosenhotels
Pinterest — http://pinterest.com/rosenhotelsorl/
Instagram — http://instagram.com/rosenhotels#

Please share this with your social media friends — the more, the merrier — and the more people who can wish Harris Rosen a very Happy Birthday!

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